"Vivian is one of those rare people with whom you can count on having a conversation that will make a difference to your well-being."
- Lisa Layne
About Vivian
I am a Wellness Detective and an optimist who looks at the whole person. In my effort to help you be the best YOU that you can be, I look for triggers that may have caused and kept you in a state of imbalance. This provides you with information, motivation, and tools to start making changes in your life.
My personal journey to a life of wellness, which began many years ago, has inspired me to help others. At the time I was suffering not only from hormonal imbalances, and auto-immune challenges, but also digestive issues. My transformation has been an emotional as well as a physical journey. It has required me to look deeply at issues that were not always easy or comfortable to confront. I sought help in both traditional and alternative methods, and ultimately realized that I needed to combine physical, emotional and spiritual work to begin my healing process.
By educating myself and getting to the root of my own imbalances, I have become a vital, healthy person, unafraid to constantly seek new answers. My life’s purpose is using these wellness approaches to give hope to those seeking to unlock the answers to optimal wellness.
Education and Experience
I graduated from the Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts. My studies included the integration of conventional care and holistic nutrition. I also hold a B.S. in Sociology from Brockport State College in New York.
Before establishing my own practice, I worked with Dr. Denise Mark, a specialist in Women's Health and hormone issues. In addition, I worked at the BioSET Clinic in Mill Valley, California for 3 years. There I worked alongside BioSET founder Dr. Ellen Cutler, DC, and taught BioSET to other practitioners.
Additionally, I graduated from the Academy of Intuition Medicine® in Sausalito, CA. There I received a Masters Certification in Intuition Medicine® and I have an on going affiliation with the Academy as a TA and tutor for students.
To round out my education on the connection between Mood, Diet and Brain Chemistry, I undertook a year-long study in Neuro-Nutrient Therapy with Julia Ross, M.A., the author of The Mood Cure and The Diet Cure. This has helped me work more efficiently with people with hormonal imbalances and eating disorders.
I include the study of Jin Shin Jyutsu with all my modalities and LifeWave Phototherapy Patches.