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Pakena Remedies


First developed by the 16th Century Swiss physician Paracelsus, spagyrism represents a form of homeopathy in which both vital healing energy and active substances are extracted from medicinal plants, creating powerful mother tinctures that can be further potentized. Derived from the Greek words spao (separate) and ageiro (unite), spagyric remedies were originally created by fermenting parts of wild herbs. This process produced concentrated aromatic solutions that were extracted and separated from the bulk plant matter. After fermentation was completed, the plant material was distilled in a special device, and the remainder dried and burned. The ashes were extracted and purified via distillation, then recombined with the concentrated solution. As a result, the finished spagyric essence contained the mineral constituent parts of the plant. Paracelsus pointed out that the vital energy of an herb is more important than the plant material itself. Combining the ideas of Paracelsus with modern manufacturing techniques, PEKANA produces its powerful spagyric remedies using four key steps: separation, purification, incineration and re-unification.

1. Separation
Using only the specific parts of either fresh or dried herbs as prescribed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia, PEKANA adds special yeast, sucrose and pharmaceutical-grade water to initiate fermentation. This three-week process produces a natural alcohol intrinsic to the particular plant, resulting in a high quality mother tincture solution that contains vital energy specific to that herb.

2. Purification
Next, PEKANA repeatedly filters the tincture solution until it is completely free of impurities. Similar to producing a fine wine, this process requires time and precision because new particles created by the plant tincture during the various filtering phases must be removed to achieve an absolutely pure liquid solution. Unlike other manufacturers, PEKANA never distills its spagyric tinctures to ensure that biocatalysts (enzymes), vitamins and other vital substances remain active.

3. Incineration
In step three, the original plant material used to produce the mother tincture solution is dried, caked and burned at very high temperatures, creating an ash. After PEKANA's advanced processing technique removes all impurities from the ash, only the remaining pure plant minerals are extracted.

4. Re-unification
Finally, the pure plant crystals -- which stimulate metabolic processes in the body -- are combined with the mother tincture solution. Until this final step, the tincture is odorless. However, at the precise moment PEKANA adds the minerals to the solution, a dramatic color change takes place and the specific aroma distinctive to the plant flows from the fluid -- creating the "miracle" of spagyrics

In addition, PEKANA homeopathic-spagyric medications are further potentized and succussed by hand according to the laws of homeopathy. To prove the "pharmaceutical quality" and document the high energy of its medicines, PEKANA conducts comparative chromatography analysis on each mother tincture. Only those spagyric preparations are used that match or exceed the substance yield of the corresponding homeopathic chromograph. In recognition of such high standards, PEKANA received an award for innovation and exemplary performance from the State of Baden-Wuerttemburg.

Are all Homeopathic or Spagyric Remedies Alike? 
No. In fact, nothing could be farther from the truth. The average person on the street may appear to be as physically fit as a marathon runner, or long distance swimmer who participate in the Olympic games. However, if the average person attempted to compete in these disciplines with the trained athlete, the enormous difference that continuous training, discipline, endurance and ener~y makes would become quite evident. 

A similar comparison can be made between PEKANA homeopathic-spagyric remedies and other homeopathic or spagyric products. Kirlian photography, VEGA point testing or other types of analysis make it possible to determine and compare the amount of inherent energy in remedies produced by various companies. Here the huge qualitative advantages of PEKANA remedies become obvious. Importantly, practitioners are able to experience the excellent efficacy of these homeopathic-spagyric medications through the fast, lasting results produced in patients. 

If the excretion process is not stimulated, and the internal terrain not improved, then the ill body may be forced to store toxins in the connective tissues, or aid excretion by other means such as fever, diarrhea, and excessive sweating. This can be avoided by using PEKANA remedies. 

Why are the PEKANA medications energetically superior to the homeopathics or spagyrics of other companies? 
Each PEKANA medication possesses the distinct advantage of being both a high-energy spagyric and a homeopathic. These remedies stimulate with their spagyric phyto-components -- which provide an extra energy boost -- and regulate via the homeopathic properties of individual plant constituents. This powerful combination creates "super-charged" remedies that invigorate the body's vital energy, act as immune system catalysts and promote more efficient cellular activity to help infected or weakened organ tissues resume normal function.

A key difference between spagyric therapy and standard homeopathics is that PEKANA uses only selected herb components, such as the blooming flowers or roots, and not the entire dried plant. To ensure quality and purity, PEKANA constantly tests and analyzes the different remedy constituents. The company extracts all of the vital energy out of each plant and the environment where it grew (via mineral deposits) using the spagyric processing method. This enables PEKANA to produce the highest quality mother tincture -- essential for truly effective medications.

Another important distinction exists between the healing potential of single homeopathics and complex spagyric medications. Although classic homeopathic medicines that contain one plant substance may be ideal for treating disease where the patient manifests only one symptom, illnesses today are generally multi-causal. PEKANA's homeopathic-spagyric remedies therefore combine specific plants that 1) provide a beneficial effect on individual organs, and 2) complement one another to address several conditions concurrently. For example, it is well-known that an insufficiency in one organ may detrimentally affect several others. If the liver is burdened by a toxic load, the problem also influences the heart, kidneys, stomach and intestines to some extent. Much like several co-workers who combine their strength to lift a heavy object, the complementary spagyric components help resolve each specific organ weakness, enabling the body to experience genuine healing.


Use of homeopathic-spagyric medications and other natural treatment has become extremely important during the past several decades because illnesses have changed. As people increased the amount of meat in their diets following World War II, they suffered more frequently from a "uric acid diathesis" burden, which led to a disrupted metabolism and illnesses such as severe rheumatism. Conventional medicine treated these metabolic illnesses with allopathic drugs that blocked the body's attempt to excrete via the mucous membranes or other excretory channels. Until recently, coughs, colds, rhinitis, flu or viral infections were routinely treated with antibiotics, pain killers and fever suppressants. This practice robbed the body of its excretion capabilities and impregnated toxins deeper into the cellular level. As a result, a significant percentage of senior citizens today are afflicted with foci caused by these deposits that, among other symptoms, result in joint deterioration.

Although many younger people have changed their diets and consume less animal protein than the previous generation, they still suffer from iatrogenic (physician or therapy-caused) illnesses induced by treatment with antibiotics, beta blockers, pain killers, fever-suppressing pills, blood pressure medications and other drugs with their wide variety of side effects. For example, cortisone may reduce inflammation effectively in neurodermatitis and other allergy-related skin conditions, but the drug also inhibits proper regulation and excretion. This creates artificial blockages that force the body to deposit toxins in the cells, making the patient even more chronically ill.

From an alternative medicine perspective, a skin disease such as neurodermatitis is actually an expression of the body's attempt to excrete poisons and heal itself. Since the primary excretory organs are too burdened to function properly, the body is forced to use the skin -- often referred to as the third kidney. Clearly, use of allopathic drugs has caused widespread iatrogenic illnesses because they do not address the body's need to heal itself or correct organ insufficiencies responsible for acute and chronic symptoms.

In contrast, Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg M.D. theorized how illnesses develop in his important work "Homotoxicology" His research revealed that if the body is inhibited in its attempts to react and excrete toxins, the cells become impregnated with these poisons. This intoxification phase in turn leads to cellular blockages and tissue degeneration. As part of this domino effect, other body systems are also affected by the blockages, finally resulting in serious neoplasm phases that include life-threatening illnesses such as various forms of cancer.

For this reason, it is vital to treat patients from childhood on in a curative manner that does not stifle normal healing processes. Biological therapy ensures the body's ability to 1) preserve an intact immune system; 2) avoid foci that can lead to severe, chronic illnesses; and 3) maintain energetic, physical, mental and emotional states at a high level. Nonetheless, more people will likely suffer from allergies and chronically impaired health in the future unless medical thinking changes and increased numbers of practitioners begin to apply holistic approaches such as homeopathic-spagyrism that make true healing possible.

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Inflamyar drops

Inflamyar lotion

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Itires lotion



















